Limited Edition Prints

All prints are short run limited editions. Hand signed and numbered

Prints are produced on 100% cotton high quality archival paper with state of the art pigment based inks

Please bare in mind although the prints are lightfast and will last 75 yrs plus, prints should not be displayed in direct sunshine. The surface of the print is vulnerable to marks and damage if not handled in the correct way. Avoid touching the surface of the print and frame under glass as soon as is practicable. Ideally prints should only be handled with cotton gloves to stop natural oils from our fingers from affecting the print surface

Giclee Print explanation

The word Giclée (“g-clay”), is derived from the French verb gicler meaning “to squirt or spray”, Giclée, is used to describe a fine art digital printing process combining pigment based inks with high quality archival quality paper to achieve an inkjet print of superior archival quality, light fastness and stability

Delivery & Shipping

All prints will be carefully packaged in either a re-enforced and supported envelope or a thick walled and sealed cardboard tube. I do reuse cardboard tubes as much as possible, so don't be disturbed if the outside of the tube isn't immaculate, because the inside will be

Please allow 7-15 days for delivery as prints are individually produced to order

UK delivery by Royal Mail 1st class signed for

if you have any questions please contact me at

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